Main Doc cleanup.

No new rules, just cleaning up text.   

more will be fleshed out and added for NPCs section and Dragon Blooded and example equipment. 


Solar Character Sheet.pdf 4.7 MB
Mar 11, 2023
Battlegroup Character Sheet - Front.jpg 1.5 MB
Mar 11, 2023
Dragon Blooded Character Sheet - Front.jpg 1.8 MB
Mar 11, 2023
Populus Character Sheet - Front.jpg 1,005 kB
Mar 11, 2023
Solar Character Sheet - Bashira.jpg
Mar 11, 2023
Solar Character Sheet - Elerra.jpg 3.2 MB
Mar 11, 2023
Legends the Exalted - Cortex Rules.pdf 24 MB
Aug 01, 2023

Get Legends: the Exalted a fantasy rpg

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